Are You Burned Out?Are you feeling burned out and thinking there is no hope for your current situation? Here are five things to help alleviate that feeling…2d ago2d ago
Tips For Effectively Coaching Your Team MembersMany managers don’t know how to coach their employees. Some simple techniques can help them be more effective and help their teams.3d ago3d ago
An Uncluttered Project ListHow many items are on your project list? Some people worry that they have too many projects. But it is more important to have the right…4d ago4d ago
Beat Back ProcrastinationIf you feel that you can’t stay on task and get easily distracted, there are some things you can do to help yourself become more…5d ago5d ago
Evernote’s New Template SystemFor quite some time, Evernote has allowed you to create templates or use some they made. But it wasn’t all that user-friendly, and it was…6d ago6d ago
Improve Concentration and Boost ProductivityThere are all sorts of reasons why we lose concentration. When that happens, our productivity falters, and we get a reputation as people…Jan 31Jan 31
Evernote Basics — Customizing The SidebarIn our continuing series, in which we share how to set up and use Evernote’s different features, we look at how you can customize to…Jan 30Jan 30
Is GTD Too Rigid?David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done, has helped people worldwide to be more productive. But some people feel that his system is too…Jan 29Jan 29
Evernote’s Updated “Sharing” FeatureEvernote has allowed us to share notes with others for a long time. But it hasn’t been easy and sometimes confusing. But some recent…Jan 27Jan 27
I Don’t Want To Read More. I Want To Read BetterThis time of year, many of us set reading goals for the new year. But this isn’t a race. My goal for 2025 is to read better, not…Jan 25Jan 25