Dave’s Leadership Library
It is a well known fact that ‘leaders are readers.” Periodically, I like to share some books you might consider reading if you are interested in improving your leadership skills.
Spark — by Angie Morgan, Courtney Lunch and Sean Lynch
The authors discuss how you can become an invaluable leader on the job using your creative thinking. Your ‘spark’ allows you make better decisions and become more self-aware.
We all know that Netflix is a very successful company. In “No Rules” we learn about its unusual corporate culture and how it keeps its very talented team engaged. The book will offer insight into how best to build your team.
Beyond Order — by Jordan Peterson
Peterson’s first book “12 Rules for Life” is followed by this book which offers more rules to live by that help us get through our day. The author suggests that you have a mental image of the person you want to be and then do everything you an to become that person. He also suggests that we express gratitude on a regular basis.
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Originally published at http://daveedwardsmedia.com on December 6, 2021.